02825 891419
02825 891419
0151 4721600
0151 4721600
+353 18944826
+353 18944826
Pushing boundaries to make the impossible possible

We have the capabilities and resources to meet whatever your requirements may be. The capital investment in our fleet is one of the highest of any transport company in Ireland with a 6 year fleet replacement policy for tractor units and 8 year replacement policy for trailers. Across the group, there are over 370 vehicles, supplemented by over 1050 trailers. The combination of trailers include:
- 290 articulated tractor units
- 80 rigid body vehicles
- 700 refrigerated trailers including 120 high cube refrigerated trailers (52 pallet capacity)
- 350 13.6 metre trailers including:
- conventional tautliners
- box vans
- double decker trailers (52 pallet capacity)
- flat bed trailers
- walking floor trailers
Our current capital investment cost in equipment is in excess of £50 million. We believe it is essential to keep our fleet up to date, roadworthy and well maintained to ensure we are fully compliant and it enables us to provide a reliable service to our customers time after time.
We take a pride in our fleet and we are highly visible on the road. Our yellow lorries and personalised MCB registration plates are synonymous with the McBurney Transport brand.

To celebrate 50 years in business we acquired a Limited Edition Scania Golden Griffin; one of only 50 commissioned by Scania to commemorate their golden anniversary.